Don’t Try This At Home: 3 Common Hair Mistakes To Avoid Doing On Your Own

Everyone wants their hair to look beautiful, but they don’t want to spend a lot of money to make it beautiful. Many people believe that they can save a great deal of money if they try to do their hair on their own, however, they often make DIY hair mistakes. Often times, something…..

Everyone wants their hair to look beautiful, but they don’t want to spend a lot of money to make it beautiful. Many people believe that they can save a great deal of money if they try to do their hair on their own, however, they often make DIY hair mistakes.

Often times, something will go wrong, and you will end up in the hairdresser’s chair anyway, spending a great deal more money to have the damage repaired, than you would have if you had gone to the hairdresser in the first place.

Trimming Your Own Hair and Bangs

You may think that trimming your own hair or bangs is a great money saver. Rather than spend twenty plus dollars on the hairdresser, plus tip, you can take care of it yourself in minutes and it would not cost you a thing. This is one of the biggest DIY hair mistakes. After trimming, you might see that your bangs are not even, so you trim a little bit more. The more you trim, the more you notice that your bangs are uneven.

By the time you have it right, your bangs could be less than an inch long, making for a very bad look. Rather than cutting your own bangs, and waiting weeks for your super short bangs to finally grow out, you should leave it up to a hairdresser. Spending money is better than walking around with short, crooked bangs.

Trying to trim the back of your hair is also a mistake. A pair of scissors and a hand mirror will not help you get the perfect haircut. If your hair is layered, and you try to trim it yourself, you can end up with a very uneven cut, with choppy, uneven layers. If you love your long hair, you might not have it by the time you get your hair even.

Highlighting Your Own Hair

Getting highlights done by a professional is much smarter than doing it on your own. Many hair-coloring companies sell highlighting kits that you can do at home. You would put on a cap, and pull the pieces of hair that you want highlighted out with a hook. While this sounds fool proof, it is not. It is difficult to know where the hair you are pulling through the cap is actually coming from. Having a hairdresser use foils is your best bet for the perfect highlights.

Home Perms or Permanent Straighteners

Having your hair permed, or chemically straightened can be damaging on your hair. It can be even more damaging when you try to do it yourself. Mistakes can happen, hair can be over processed, and you could end up with a frizzy mess on your head. Having a hairdresser do the job the first time will prevent any unnecessary damage.

There are certain things that you should leave up to the professionals, and hair styling is one of them. To avoid DIY hair mistakes, start with your hairdresser.


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