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How You Inspire Other By Going Back to School at 40

Going Back to School at 40

In the event you’re thinking about going back to school at 40, congratulations are in order! You’ve made a wise choice. The beauty industry is an excellent choice for people of all ages. Honestly,you’re never too old to go to beauty school. Even better, you’ll be an inspiration to those around you.

A lot has probably changed since you spent time in the classroom. But, there’s no reason to panic. In the words of Eric Simpson, who himself went back to school in his 40s, “I found this phenomenon of older students going back to school to be a trend, which has been occurring for a while. This includes graduates in their 70s.” hp

The Biggest Benefit of Going Back to School

Many older students will admit that one of the biggest benefits of returning to school a second time is the fact that you’re no longer a 20 years old, who’s more interested in your social life than your education. In addition, because of other responsibilities, free time is almost nonexistent for countless students over 40, explains

Of course, if you’re interested in socializing at school, there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Study partners are very beneficial, especially in an industry where everything is so hands on.

Finding a Job after Going Back to School at 40

One of the greatest things about going back to beauty school at 40 is the fact that many students are offered jobs even before they take the licensing exam. All of the in-depth experience you get during training, makes you the perfect candidate for the wide variety of employers who are in search of fresh talent eager to make names for themselves. says networking is another wonderful way to find a job after school. The popularity of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram make it extremely easy to network with other professionals in the field. First, create a portfolio of all of your best work. The more you interact with people on these sites, the better chance you have of landing your dream position.

Focus on the Positive

The most important thing to remember is to always focus on the positive. Sure, there will be times that you might feel like you’re in over you’re head. If and when that happens, take a deep breath and relax. Before you know it, you’ll be working in the exciting field of beauty.

For additional statistics in regard to going back to school at 40, Avenue Five Institute is a wonderful place to begin. Scheduling a tour of the campus only takes a few minutes of your time. Once you see for yourself that beauty school isn’t just for young students, you’ll hopefully be ready to make a commitment. Remember, you’re never too old to change your future!


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